We all got ready and everyone came to our condo to begin the fun night. We ordered pizza and all settled in our seats for the wild night to begin. Before we got started with our night we had a surprise for Sb, one of our good friends Emily had designed a t-shirt for us all to wear that night at the party for the fabulous weekend. Sarabeth had no clue about the shirts so we all went into the back bedroom and put them on and came out in a parade of purple and surprised her. She was totally shocked and so excited. Then we all took our seats and started the show for the lingerie shower before heading out on the town. I surprised Sarabeth with her Honeymoon basket that she has been waiting to see. She loved it!!! Her basket included two towels that said Mr. and Mrs., Just Married Flip Flops, two cups with both of their initials, a sexy little bride tank, personalized picture frame, and some other items. Then we all played a game where she was given a basket of panties that we had each purchased to match our individual personality. This was a fun and tricky game, and we all had fun guessing and seeing the matched panties to fit everyone’s unique style. Then the presents started to be open and the games began. Sb got some sexy and shocking items. After she got done opening all the gifts we cleaned up the condo and got ready to head out on the town for the night.
We all headed out the door only to notice that it was a monsoon going on outside and all the roads were flooded. Do you think this was going to stop us, I don’t think so. We all piled into two cars and headed to the Electric Cowboy for the nights events. When we arrived the place was totally empty but we didn’t care we knew that we would bring the party wherever we would be. We began dancing the night away to great music and just enjoyed ourselves.

One of the best highlights of the night was the mechanical bull that was in the corner waiting to be taken on a ride. So of course we had to get some of the girls to take the challenge and ride the bull. One of the girls Cynthia volunteered to be the first one to ride and she did a great job and had so much fun. Next was defiantly going to be the bride, we weren’t going to leave without SB riding the bull. She did a great job and I am so proud of her for trying it even though she didn’t want to. I wanted to but knew there would be no way I would get up on in front of the crowed that surrounded the bull. Maybe if the place was totally empty I would have, but then again who knows. After many drink, laughs, dancing, and all around acting like fools we all piled back into the cars and headed back to the condos to go to sleep.

Saturday we all woke up talking about the previous nights events and couldn’t wait to get out on the beach for another relaxing day. We all gathered all of our STUFF and headed down to the beach to try and get some sun before the bad weather moved in again. Well we got about 30 min. before the rain came and we tried to wait it out but it just got worse and worse. We got all of our STUFF again and headed over to Emily’s condo for some lunch and to all just hang out and have a good time together. As the afternoon approached we all knew we had to be ready by 5 and with 8 girls in one room we knew we needed to get started early. So we all headed back and began the process to beauty.
I had scheduled a dolphin night cruise from 6-8 and then we were going to eat dinner and then have the BIG BACHELORETTE NIGHT!!! Well, my plans got ruined by the tropical depression that was going on in Destin/Ft. Walton that weekend. So instead we went straight to dinner at AJ’s and then headed over to the SWAMP for the night. There is no way I can describe our night, it was once in a lifetime experience. Because of the monsoon the wind and rain was the worst it has ever been and so we were all soaking wet. The place we were at parts of the roof and walls are open so water was coming in from every direction and we didn’t care. We just enjoyed our night and celebrated Sb and her wonderful marriage that is soon to be. We had so much fun and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I hope my sister had the time of her life and enjoyed every moment from this weekend. I can’t believe my big sister is getting married. AHHHH!!!

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