Friday, December 24, 2010



December 24, 2010

Every year my parents and sister and I go to my childhood church for there traditional Christmas Eve service. This year my amazing and beautiful grandmother and Sarabeth’s FiancĂ© Scott joined us, as we went to the 7:00 service. It was beautiful and had a great message; my favorite part is always the end when the whole room is filled with candles as we sing Silent Night. After the service we all piled into my sister car and drove around the city looking at Christmas lights, this was the first year we have done this and it was truly wonderful being with my family all of Christmas eve. Each year before we go to bed my sister and I are allowed to open one present, but of course we do not get to pick it. My mom has them already picked out, (I wonder why....haha). My sister and I opened our presents and it was PAJAMAS. But this year was a little different Scott so graciously got my sisters Christmas Eve gift so my mom got so pajamas too. Next year we are going to all have matching ones, we are starting a new tradition. Then we all went to bed and waited for Christmas morning to arrive after putting milk and cookies out for SANTA of course.

I cherish every Christmas with my family and this year I got to spend all of my time with my family and am so fortunate for them. I know that as we grow older and our lives open new doors things will change, but right now I am taking every moment with them.

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